Welcome to Our Blog Dedicated to the New Zealand Job Market
Hello and welcome, dear readers. We are very pleased to present you with our blog that intends to inform job seekers in New Zealand about the possibilities ahead of them. We believe it’s very important to know the market you’re planning to work in, so you can prepare yourself for the potential challenges.
We hope you find our blog informative and easy to navigate, and naturally, we hope it helps you find a job or a profession that is both profitable and enjoyable to do. Our goal is to tell you all we know from first-hand experience and what we learned through research, so you can make your own mind about it.
We decided to dedicate our first post, this welcome post, to the New Zealand job market by giving you some quick facts about it that you might not know. Enjoy reading!
New Zealand, a Land of Beauty and Opportunity
New Zealand is an island country in the Pacific Ocean, consisting of two big islands, North Island and South Island, along with hundreds of smaller isles. The capital of the island country is Wellington, but its most populous city is Auckland. New Zealand’s population measures at 5,130,620 and is spread over 268,021 square kilometres.
The country used to be strictly protectionist, but a change in government in the 1980’s turned it into a liberalised free-trade state. Now, New Zealand boasts of economic freedom that is almost unmatched. New Zealand places fifth in the world for economic freedom, which is enough to show you that New Zealand is among the top places to have your own business, or to work in general.
For a population that small, you’d think that the GDP wouldn’t be that high, but you’d be mistaken. New Zealand’s GDP was last recorded to be the mind-boggling 212.5 billion USD! That is about 41,700 USD per capita, which provides one with a comfortable way of life. The GDP currently grows at a rate of 1-3%, so it’s only expected to rise, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic was overcome.
Industries in New Zealand
Now let’s talk about some of the most prominent and profitable industries in the island country. The biggest industrial sector in New Zealand is the service industry. This is the case in many countries, but you might still be surprised to find out that 65.5% of the GDP comes from the service industry.
New Zealand naturally realises the importance of this industry, which is why the government’s funding of it has only increased over the years. While it spent 500 million NZD in 2012, it increased that number to 1.4 billion merely six years later.
Another big industry is construction. It employs over 250,000 people with about 5,000 more jobs added every year, which makes it one of the biggest employers in the island country. It was last valued at 43.2 billion NZD, and it’s only expected to grow.
Perhaps one of the most famous industries overseas, is the agriculture industry in New Zealand. It contributes around 5.5% of the GDP each year, and while this number might seem small, let us remind you that New Zealand is among the top providers of fresh produce like fruit and vegetables for the region.
Food and beverage manufacturing is right behind agriculture with its sizable contribution of 12.3 billion NZD to the GDP. Meat processing and packaging is among the top earners in this category.
Manufacturing of petroleum, polymer, and rubber is another industry that brings in a good amount of money to the treasury, with mining and paper and metal manufacturing coming in pretty close to it.
We hope you liked our brief discussion of the economic opportunities in New Zealand and the industries that make this country a leader on the world’s scene. Not only New Zealand provides one of the easiest pathways to business ownership, but it usually tends to lead surveys on the quality of life and civil liberty.
If you are someone who is planning to move to the island country, then take this post as a sign to look deeper into it and see the endless opportunities ahead of you.
Thank you for reading this welcome post and thank you for supporting our blog!